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Terms in this set (56)
- かぜwind
- きtree
- ボールball
- さるmonkey
- めんきょlicense
- よしゅうpreparation of a lesson
- ふくしゅうreview of a lesson
- じゅくcram school
- えいかいわEnglish conversation
- あいてpartner; the other person
- おじょうさん(someone's) daughter (polite)
- かみさまGod
- せんぱいsenior member of a group
- こうはいjunior member of a group
- ぶかsubordinate
- うけつけreception desk
- しょるいdocument
- プロジェクトproject
- かじhousework
- ヨーロッパEurope
- ひとりぐらしliving alone
- じゆうfreedom
- むだづかいwaste (money)
- うるさいnoisy; annoying
- しんぱい(な)worried about
- びんぼう(な)poor
- ぺらぺら(な)fluent
- らく(な)easy; comfortable
- かぜがふくthe wind blows
- コピーをとるto make a photocopy
- はこぶto carry
- ひろうto pick up (something)
- ほ(う)っておくto leave (someone/something) alone; to neglect
- まにあうto be in time
- かつto win
- うけるto take (an examination)
- けいかくをたてるto make a plan
- そだてるto raise; to bring up
- たすけるto help; to rescue
- まけるto lose (a match)
- おねがいするto request help
- さんせいするto agree
- はんたいするto oppose; to object to
- しっぱいするto fail; to be unsuccessful
- てつやするto stay up all night
- ほんやくするto translate
- こんなふうlike this
- じゆうにfreely
- ずっとfor a long time; all the time
- ぜったいにdefinitely
- なんどもmany times
- もうすこしa little more
- ~とか... for example
- そんなこと(は)ないI don't think so.
- ~ちゃん(suffix for names of children)
- おおくの~many ...