station attendant
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Terms in this set (52)
- えきいん(さん)station attendant
- おやparent
- しんせきrelatives
- ごみgarbage
- さとうsugar
- ファイル(file) folder; portfolio; file
- おおきさsize
- みちway; road; directions
- きまつしけんfinal examination
- けんきゅうresearch
- だいがくいんgraduate school
- しょうがくきんscholarship
- すいせんじょうletter of recommendation
- たいふうtyphoon
- ぶんかculture
- へんじreply
- ひday
- きたないdirty
- おこすto wake (someone) up
- おごるto treat (someone) to a meal
- わらうto laugh
- おちこむto get depressed
- こまるto have difficulty
- だすto take (something) out; to hand in (something)
- なおすto correct; to fix
- みつかるto be found
- やくすto translate
- かすto lend
- つれていくto take (someone) to (a place)
- みちにまようto become lost; to lose one's way
- むかえにいくto go to pick up
- あつめるto collect
- いれるto put (something) in
- みせるto show
- のりおくれるto miss (a train, bus, etc.)
- アイロンをかけるto iron (clothes)
- あさねぼうするto oversleep
- あんないするto show (someone) around
- せつめいするto explain
- むかえにくるto come to pick up
- きょうじゅうにby the end of today
- じゅぎょうちゅうにin class; during the class
- このあいだthe other day
- これからfrom now on
- このぐらいabout this much
- じぶんで(do something) by oneself
- ほかのother
- ええとwell . . . ; let me see . . .
- じつはactually; in fact
- ~いがいother than . . .
- ごめんI'm sorry. (casual)
- しつれいしますExcuse me.; Sorry to interrupt you.