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Terms in this set (56)
- おとなadult
- べんごしlawyer
- わたくしI (formal)
- カレーcurry
- こうちゃblack tea
- きものkimono; Japanese traditional dress
- セーターsweater
- がっきmusical instrument
- からてkarate
- ゴルフgolf
- バイクmotorcycle
- ぞうelephant
- からだbody
- がいこくごforeign language
- ことばlanguage
- ぶんぽうgrammar
- アプリapplication
- アパートapartment; smaller apartment building
- マンションlarger apartment building; condominium
- くうこうairport
- みせshop; store
- ぶっかconsumer prices
- こうこくadvertisement
- ぼしゅうrecruitment
- やくそくpromise; appointment
- うれしいglad
- かなしいsad
- きびしいstrict
- きぶんがわるいto feel sick
- からいhot and spicy; salty
- すごいincredible; awesome
- ちかいclose; near
- いろいろ(な)various; different kinds of
- しあわせ(な)happy (lasting happiness)
- だめ(な)no good
- あむto knit
- がんばるto do one's best; to try hard
- なくto cry
- みがくto brush (teeth); to polish
- やくそくをまもるto keep a promise
- かんどうするto be moved/touched (by ... )
- ~かい... times
- ~キロ... kilometers; ... kilograms
- ぜんぶall
- ~ともうしますmy name is ...
- とくにespecially
- いちにちone day
- ふつかtwo days
- みっかthree days
- よっかfour days
- いつかfive days
- むいかsix days
- なのかseven days
- ようかeight days
- ここのかnine days
- とおかten days